Saturday, October 25, 2008

Van Allen Harvest Festival

So I have done a pretty good job of avoiding volunteering at the kids school, not because I don't love them but I really don't NEED anything else on my plate. But this year I went to my first Parents Club (PTA) meeting in the 4 years of my kids going there only to be nominated and seconded as the Parents Club secretary. Now I am expected to attend every meeting and take notes. AHHHHH. I also managed to get myself on the committee to help with Harvest Festival this year. So between getting stuff ready and setting up yesterday and this morning, I am pretty excited that it is over. The kids had a great time. Ashlee and Syd wore their costumes and looked so cute. You might notice the lack of photos with Caleb. As soon as we got there he took off to hang out with his friends. I don't know why he would rather be with them than me but that's life (sniff). Yeah for fall and fun Harvest Festivals.


Scott and Kim said...

What a great leader you are :)Looks like fun!

Tami said...

I love that there is a little girl just running around without her pants on.

Lara said...


I like to help out in the classrooms but have yet to go to a PTG meeting. Now I'm really scared to go!

Way to go with getting everything ready. It looked fun.

Have fun with the Nanny. Tell her we miss her.

Marie said...

Congratulations on making it happen! :D It looks like it was a lot of fun!