Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Are they Rats or Dogs? You decide..........

This posting is for my friends the Skinner Kids. These ratlike animals are in fact our dogs. They are sisters from the same mom and dad just different litters. Pita ( the ugly one) is 2 years older than Cabo ( the furry one). For those of you that know Carl, also must know that he is less than impressed by our puppies. He likes them okay, but often wonders when we are actually going to get a "real" dog. The kids love them and cleaning up after them is pretty easy. Cabo is trouble and Pita unfortunately is a follower but we love them. Pedro, our giant bearded dragon is another story.

We miss our friend LuLu!

She really does LOVE TacoBell.


Tami said...

Oh Brooklyn would love them!!

Scott and Kim said...

dude it's a giant rat..get some cheese and set a trap.

Ben and Taryn said...

So totally funny that I found your blog through Lacey's. I can't believe how big your kids are. And my Shelby would love those dogs, ugly or not! I added you to my blog and feel free to come on over and take a look around.

mistyb said...

I'm with kim!!! :)

Lara said...

Wow, you have been on blogging fire. I don't check in for a few days and there is tons to read!

Your kids are pretty cute. Loved the hair!

joleen said...

That's no Angel! That devil dog is probably tormenting someone in heaven now!