Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday MOM!!!

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and I had this great post planned out with embarrassing photos and everything but sadly our computer with all the pictures on it crashed hard and it is still not working. I am using the kiddos computer to write this little note to tell my wonderful mom "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!!!! I won't disclose her age but she looks pretty awesome. Mom, I love and appreciate you so much. I am so blessed to have been sent to you and I can't tell you what a great example you are to me. You are so loving and generous and you are willing to help anyone in need. When I am sick I still want YOU to take care of me. Thanks for loving me and putting up with me and my twisted sense of humor. I really love being your favorite kid.
Love you.

1 comment:

Greta said...

Ditto. I love you too! For being an additional set of "parents" who absolutely loved your neice. And a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on, and a house to escape to through some pretty interesting teenage years.