Carl tries to go on a yearly backpacking trip with some friends from high school. They are all married and have families, but I think they are still a little bit crazy. Sometimes it is just better not to know what kind of dangerous activities they decided to try. This year was no different. They went to Neon Canyon in Utah. The pics are beautiful and the desert landscape is my favorite. (I don't love all the trees here. give me dead and brown over green and trees any day). The trip involved several rappels into unknown holes and caverns (later i found out that there are holes you can drop into only to find out there is no way out. see title of blog.) And for anyone that knows my husband, also knows that he would of course be the one to volunteer to try it first. BTW they were using a rope that was his friend Jess' from back in the early 1990's. I am no climbing expert but I am pretty sure that ropes have a shelf life. Right? not to mention that they used webbing that was left behind from someone else's adventure. Needless to say the "SPOT" device I got him for Christmas was pretty handy because it runs on satellites and he could send me messages that he was OK. Babe, I am just glad you had a great trip and made it home OK.
A German guy at the bottom of this rappell shot this pic of Carl coming down and e-mailed it to us.
That is a beautiful shot!! I didn't know you loved the desert landscape so much. I think the landscape is beautiful to look at and visit, but I would much rather have the green. I hope Carl told you about all the variables AFTER he got home. I would have freaked out!
Caleb is 13 and ready to start 8th grade. I can't believe I have a teenager. He is super smart and pretty much the coolest kid. His favorite sport is basketball and he loves his ipod.
Ashlee is 9 and is the sweetest girl. She is a huge help with the baby and she still loves horses and all animals.
Sydney is 6 and loads of trouble. She will be starting 1st grade this year. She is very creative and has a silly sense of humor.
Ethan is 6 months old and is seriously the sweetest baby ever. He is happy and loves his brother and sisters. We sure do love this little guy.
“If you are still in the process of raising children . . . be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will -to your surprise- miss them profoundly.” President Thomas S. Monson
hooray for the german... that is an awesomoe picture!
That is a beautiful shot!! I didn't know you loved the desert landscape so much. I think the landscape is beautiful to look at and visit, but I would much rather have the green. I hope Carl told you about all the variables AFTER he got home. I would have freaked out!
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